08 March 2011

Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day

"This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, a global celebration of the economic, political, and social achievements of women past, present, and future.  International Women's Day is a chance to pay tribute to ordinary women throughout the world and is rooted in women's centuries-old struggle to participate in society on an equal footing with men.  This day reminds us that, while enormous progress has been made, there is still work to be done before women achieve true parity." Excerpt  President Obama's Women's History Month Proclamation 2011
How will you honor women on this 100th anniversary? The Mom and The Sisters came up with a few ideas:

ONE: Today get in touch with a woman
a woman you admire, 
a woman you believe in, 
a woman who has helped you through a hard time, 
a woman you love,
a woman that taught you,
a woman who listened,
a woman who writes,
a woman who cared for you,
a woman who sings,
a woman who laughs,
a woman who cooked for you,
a woman who loves you  
and then tell her that you are celebrating her today! 

TWO: Take a moment and tell the Books for Walls Project about a woman who you'd like the world to recognize, tell us about one of your personal heroes.

THREE: Support tomorrow's women by supporting girls today!

Happy International Women's Day!


  1. The Big Sister her Mom (yes, The Mom is smiling.)

    The Little Sister is feeling sick (still) and isn't quite sure yet.

    We'll ask The Dad when he gets home from work.

    The Mom will post again later, after she takes care of the sick Little Sister.

    Happy Women's Day!

  2. One of my personal (local) heroes is The Mom.
    From the way she carries herself, to the way she plans ahead & balances her weekly menus for her family including local, vegetarian, organic & wholistic ingredients, to the way she holds her community sacred; building it soul-by-soul with her deep brown eyes, vivacious smile and heart of gold, to the way she takes time out to give a call & tell you what she's feeling & is an activist in every decision she makes & shares... I honor the way she & her husband have chosen to raise the talented, intelligent, hilarious, confident, young Sisters, and the home they have built--a dream in the woods of our lovely northern clime... I hold space and thank her for her voice and for her wisdom and for the words she shares with all of us on a regular basis, raising high 'community' and 'books' and growth and inspiration in such a way to perpetuate forever & ever & ever.

    Thank you The Mom.

    I love you!

  3. Oh, wow. How do I begin (since at the moment my eyes are filled with tears from the Dreamer, Jenn's comments --Jenn, I love you too!)

    My circles of women are wide and wonderful... I thought about writing a list, a long list of all of their names, but I worried that I would miss one and leave someone important out.

    Then I thought about my Grandmother (Eleanor Luprich Daniels) that I knew and my Grandmother (Madge Horan) that I imagined was my guardian angel who died decades before my birth --which made me think of my Mom, The Bean, who became a mother without a mother and figured it out all on her own.

    I thought about my teachers --including The Teacher, women who taught me and women who listened. Both the teachers in school and the teachers out in life --I have had so many!

    I thought of the circle of women I've been meeting with once a month for the past five years. I see there faces in my mind, I here their stories, I feel their hugs. My life would not be the same without these beautiful souls.

    I think of the women who share a love of books here at BFWP--often sharing so much more than books.

    I think of the millions and millions of girls and women that live with poverty and war but keep going.

    I think of my midwives who helped me to trust that I could bring my babies into the world!

    But of course, come back to my daughters, The Sisters, and the wild and wonderful world that awaits them as they grow up and go out into it. And then I rejoice because I know that because of all the fights we women have lived through and died for, because of our want for more (equality) and for less (war), I know that the struggle will certainly go on and on, but I trust that women will never settle for any less than what they set their minds on and what they give their hearts to.

    I just realized it's simple, I celebrate ALL women.

  4. I tear for the above comments and reminiscing of my family and ancestors. Blessings, ALL!

    For me like the Mom, this Woman is a Conglomerate of ALL WOMEN of Good Faith: from the U-tube “girl” who bought a cow and changed the world; to the Middle eastern woman salvaging her family’s life in her war torn city; to the Inuit elder imparting wisdom to her clan; to the South American activist who risks her life to bring about meaningful & just change; to the poor of body, not spirit who strive beyond their circumstance; to women who daily, hourly live their lives in that precious loving moment of their being ; to women like the Mom who share Goodness with others like me and thereby making the World smaller, wiser, and kinder.

    Thank God for Womankind, young and old, everywhere! Alleluia!

  5. I would have to say the Racine Dominican sisters who educated me. They worked so hard with little recognition or compensation, but they cared so much about us.

  6. I'd like to make a tribute to the writer and peace activist Grace Paley, who died a few years ago. Paley wrote poetry, essays, and short stories in a voice that was completely original and authentic and that honored the "small" struggles of women in their homes and kitchens and playgrounds, raising them to the level of literature and heroism. In this same vein, I'll mention Tillie Olsen, another wonderful woman writer. If you've never read "As I Stand Here Ironing," do so very soon. You'll be honoring women just by reading.
