04 August 2010

Books on Stage Challenge

The Sisters on stage in 2009
with Lakeside Shakespeare
Kids Workshop

We are super busy this week. Practicing, acting, thinking like Will (Shakespeare), reading about King Lear and As You Like It so that we can be ready to watch the books on stage and so The Sisters can perform in a Shakespeare Mash-up with the help of the Lakeside Shakespeare Company.

We caught up with Books for Walls for a moment but couldn't pull ourselves away from the stage. We began loving Shakespeare because we watched it performed live and the words simply came to life and now we love reading them too! Do you have a favorite play? 

Tell us your favorites, books that are just meant to be ACTED, on STAGE.  

Please use the following format for your comment
Title of Book, Author, and then tell us a story about your experience with the book on stage!


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    A Midsummer Night's Dream
    William Shakespeare

    I loved the acting. Puck is a fairy that cannot fly (I like fauns!) He is the helper with Oberon... I love the story now!!!

    (typed by the Mom)

  2. Love's Labour's Lost
    William Shakespeare

    I like the play because love letters get mixed up and sent to the wrong people and then there is funny confusion and then it all turns out how it is meant to be!

  3. Jane Austen

    Once, along time ago I saw a production of some Austen book I cannot for the life of me recall which one. The romance hooked me and the stories within stories caught me completely. Then I began watching movies based on the books and finally I can read Jane Austen books. (Previously I just couldn't get into them now I find that since I know more of the story the little details are not lost on me and the story is even richer.) Although it is not a stage play Pride and Prejudice the movie with Kiera Knightly made us all ever more interested in Austen! The Sister are almost reading to begin reading her, I think we will start with Emma.

  4. Cyrano de Bergerac
    Edmond Rostand

    We watched the movie Roxanne -with Steve Martin. Later when I picked up Cyrano I could really follow it and it has become a favorite!

  5. The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
    Oscar Wilde

    Watching this play performed by a community theater when I was in High School sparked my interest in reading plays. So very witty, and an interesting snapshot of Victorian society.


  6. "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder. Mt first memory of it was sitting in on the bleacher-style seats of my high school gym, watching one of my classmates feign the wisdom of the Stage Manager, who was the person who saw the meaning of everything, the inner selves of characters and the significance of relationships and culture. I suppose it was my introduction to the idea of a philosopher. And tears come to my eyes as I consider the joy of looking back at shared history, of our family, our "town" of Detroit, our relationships that are rooted in both.

  7. although i have seen fantastic productions of all these lovely comments, i have a book i'd LOVE to see on stage - ahab's wife. it has perhaps the best first line in a book i've ever read: "ahab was neither my first husband, nor my last..." - who could resist THAT?
